3 Things You Need to Know About Moving Into Student Accommodation


It is a time of change for new students who have been awarded a position at university, not just for the student but for the whole family. The joy of bright academic futures and success is coupled with the stress of moving away from home, often for the first time and often to a far away and foreign location. Having helped hundreds of students make the move to university, we break down three things you need to know when you or your child move into student accommodation:

1. Pack For Every Occasion

You may be moving into student accommodation close to home, or you may be moving far away to study, but regardless of distance you won’t want to be going back and forth between home and university. Pack for every scenario and try to ensure that you have fully thought through day-to-day life scenarios accounting for seasonality. Part of settling into student accommodation is making friends and carving out a new life. If you’re going back and forth between the comfort of your family home and your new life in student accommodation then it will only take you longer to settle into your new environment.

There are also the financial benefits of making sure that you have everything you need with you before you move into student accommodation. By bringing everything you need to get on with life in student accommodation, you can use your student loan or any income on food and living expenses rather than spending money on things like a set of bedding because you only packed one duvet cover and it’s in the wash.

2. Make it Like Home

Parents can often find it hard when their child leaves the nest and moves into student accommodation, but many students also find the process very difficult. Moving away from your hometown, family, friends and a familiar lifestyle can be a very jarring experience. It’s natural to feel homesick during this time but some students will feel this more so than others. Not feeling comfortable in a new life and new living space can even cause students to drop out of university, seeking the comfort and familiarity of home. This is why it is so important that you furnish student accommodation to feel like home. Student accommodation can often have a very generic impersonal feel and there’s only so long people can be happy living in a hotel room. Hiring a student furniture package can be a good solution to help your student accommodation to feel like home, without shelling out loads of money on furniture which you won’t need after you have graduated.

3. Are You Renting the Right Student Accommodation?

Sadly there are many factors which are often out of your control when you are renting student accommodation. Not knowing the area well enough can often make moving in to your new place an unpleasant surprise. Sharing a living space with strangers can all too often cause problems and stresses. Whilst learning to live with things that you aren’t used to and may not like at first, are a part of life, struggling on in a bad situation (whether it’s with housemates that you don’t get along with or in an area that you don’t feel safe in) isn’t usually what’s best. Moving out of a bad living situation can be the difference between dropping out of university entirely and flourishing in your new life.

So keep in mind, when you move into your new accommodation as a student, it is not a final move. Keep your eyes open for other accommodation possibilities if you are unhappy, visit the accommodation department of your university and listen to their advice.

Need Help Furnishing Student Accommodation? If you or your child are moving into student accommodation and are considering renting a furniture package, contact us today on +44(0)2083979344.